Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Heat Wave Continued

It's a "wicked scorchaahh", as Mom would say with her Boston accent. I spend every waking moment submerged in acqua just trying to cool off.


Sharon said...

That is certainly the right idea. Course you could always get out the hose.

I can't talk Boston or Maine lingo anymore. My son lives in Quincy and he talks MA.

How about is *wicked* hot!

Thanks for your comment...on my Blog!

PS I have family in ...Haverhill, Newbury, Melrose and Quincy!

Maryellen Pienta said...

Thanks for your kind comment on my blog. I just discovered yours, too, and it's great! Your baby is beautiful!!!

Ro said...

My mother say "it's a scorchaahh" too. She just said it last week as a matter of fact! In the winter when it snows it's "weah getting clobbahed".

Kerri said...

My mom was here for a few days and Mike couldn't get ova how fast my accent came back.

Currier is asbolutely adorable.

Kerri said...

miss you and the MA accent too.