Saturday, January 06, 2007

Downtown Catania on L 'Epifania

Today is Epiphany, the Italian holiday that marks the end of the holiday season. On this day, the good witch, Befana, brings all the good boys and girls special treats. While shopping in Catania, Mom and I ran into Befana and she gave me candy and frightened the hell out of me.
Dad and I in front of the Catania Cathedral, dedicated to the patron saint of Catania, Sant' Agata.
Here I am in the city center of Catania, Piazza Duomo, or as we Americans call it "Elephant Square". This elephant is the city's symbol.
We took a quick stroll through the Mercato della Pescheria (fish market). I liked seeing all the different types of fish and listening to the salesmen yell, "pesce fresca (fresh fish)". I was happy to have a stuffed up nose because it was stinky. I wish someone blocked my eyes for this:

This little piggy went to market and never came home. Oh the horror!


Unknown said...

Oh my!!

Unknown said...

Oh my!

Karen said...

Is your Mom going to the St. Agatha Festival? Did your Mom go last year? Is it absolutely crazy? I want to go!! But think maybe Mahlon should stay with Bina that day!! Maybe you guys can play together?

Coleen said...


We'll be in the States during the St. Agata Festival and thankfully so because that type of crazy crowd scares us! :) Have fun and tell us all about it on your blog.